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Leading supplier of voice and audio enhancement technologies.

Wear & Hear is a complete product line-up of concept, future-forward wearable audio devices developed by Alango Technologies, a leading supplier of voice and audio enhancement technologies for the communication and entertainment markets. With millions of communication products using the Company’s algorithms and software, Alango has accumulated almost two decades of practical experience developing and licensing digital sound processing technologies working in noisy, reverberant and otherwise unfriendly acoustic environments.

Over these years, the Company realized that people have individual hearing preferences and use a wide variety of audio devices in various types of sound environments. The question of ‘How it is possible for everyone to hear the same sound?” then becomes the company’s key priorities. They found their technological expertise can largely benefit the group of hearing- impaired people, which were not targeted by the traditional consumer electronic channels. To fill-in the gap, Alango created a new type of device that answered the requirements of a modern hearing-impaired consumer. A targeted group of people who is well acquainted with mobile phones and Bluetooth headsets, and does not want to wear a traditional hearing aids. BeHear is the perfect answer.

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